Seasons Of Mind Ebook Free!

To celebrate the release of the ebook of Seasons Of Mind, it will be offered free over the next three days to anyone willing to take the time to download it.  Please review it on Amazon if you have found it worthy.

Click here for the epub format (starting February 5th)

Or click here for the kindle format (starting Februrary 6th)

In the meantime, let the following excerpt from August 12th, 2011 of Seasons Of Mind take the place of supplication:

'This morning as I leaned against a rock in the pale of dawn, the soft flame and subtle heat of the sun grew upon my back, as if some giant overstepping the valley, and on the ground in front of me, against the increasing light, my shadow appeared within the very air of which a moment before gave no semblance of human being. The grandeur, or the deep, profound obscurity of things, that lay hidden in the mellow breath of time, wherein the center of our universe comes to completion, and the most important point of that now-revolving cycle of life and death no longer exists, are the moments, of which we so desperately hold on to, that pass into the shallow beams of eternity.'

Douglas Thornton


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