The Forest Opening
This is the last in a series of collaborative posts with the artist @indrebeinarte exploring the relationship between poetry and painting.
We must now learn to let go...
If you let a poem go, it comes back as a painting; if you let a painting go, it comes back as poetry. And so it goes for the millions of other things in this life, all transforming into another guise, and us with our likes and dislikes, judging and pitting them against one another. Look just for a moment into your daily life and see how many poems and paintings there actually are, hidden under another name, another idea. We don't always have the time or the effort to decipher the world's inspiration, but if we remember that that inspiration is inherent in us, that it reveals itself to us whether we understand it or not, then maybe we can start to live something poetic and full of color.
Thank you for sharing this journey with us!
The excerpts were taken from the book The Uninitiated (link in bio) and the original artwork was composed by @indrebeinarte on the theme of the selected poem.
Please see Indre's bio at the end of the post to learn more about her work.
To learn more about my poetry, please consult the links on my bio page.
**Monochrome ink painting is the basis of Indre's artistic expression. It allows her to capture the essence of an object, leaving aside unnecessary details, finding depth in simplicity, in emptiness, and in unfilled space. In her work, she strives to embody the principles of East Asian aesthetics, which are manifested in her works through minimalist compositions, subtlety, and calligraphic strokes.
Douglas Thornton
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